Kitchen Budapest is seeking talents! (en)
Kitchen Budapest supports young talents and their great ideas with a Talent and a Startup program in 2014. If you think, you have got the idea of the year, join our team.
Kitchen Budapest (founded in 2007) is a place where ideas come alive. We offer two potential ways to start out your idea. In KIBU Talent program young talents can bring their imagination and ideas to a phase of a proof of concept or prototype. KIBU Startup program helps teams to develop businesses of the future. KIBU’s professional team is here for you to help all the time.
Kitchen Budapest Talent program is created for idea-development including an intensive half-year teamwork for young talents from different fields with the interest of product and service design. Kitchen Budapest provides the knowhow, the professional network and the funding of the projects.
Goals are to develop ideas of design products or services with a business potential. The top one or two projects will be funded further by Kitchen Budapest Startup program or through other financial solutions provided by our team.
In six-month periods Talent program gives the chance for five teams to commensurate their skills and to compete in creating a proof of concept of an influential design product or service. The competition has milestones to achieve like weekly reports and monthly presentations. At the end of the sixth month, Kitchen Budapest selects the best redy-to-develop idea. The winning team ‘Kitchen Budapest Talent of 2014’ will be announced.
What is the application deadline? 19th January, 2014
When will be the applicants informed about the decision? 26th January, 2014
When will the work start?
3rd February, 2014
What are the milestones? Weekly reports, monthly and a final presentations.
What kind of financial support is provided by the program? monthly stipendium for the six-month period; project financing for the approved prototype development; *long-term project financing for the best team.
Kitchen Budapest 30th Ráday Street, 1092 Budapest, Hungary (entry from Biblia Street)
Apply for the Talent program if you
– are under 25;
– speak Hungarian and/or English;
– have a team with 3-5 members.
For the application you need to fill an online form with the following requirements:
(max.) 300 words about the concept of the design product or service; only one link is allowed to attache;
(max.) 500 words about the schedule including briefly summary of work process, tasks, responsibilities and approx. costs;
(max.) 100 words about the vision of the product in the future;
team members profile: one member = one link;
approve the declaration of participation (you must reside in Budapest during the program).
Selection process
Selection shall be exercised on the basis of individual aspects of each case but the following facts are essential:
the concept is a vision of design product or service;
the design product or service is innovative, it has experimental approach and can work;
the prototype or the proof of the concept is realizable;
the team set-up is adequate for the challenge and for the requirements;
members and their responsibilities are submitted in the schedule;
members are available and present to work during the program
(3rd February – 30th June, 2014) in Budapest.
Team up and apply for the Talent program.