Sighter named Game App of the Year (en)
Sighter named Game App of the Year by Appra magyar!
Sighter won first place in the Gaming category at Appra magyar!, the Hungarian mobile app Oscars. Yay!!
Updated beta version for Android
The latest release contains fixes and new features, including improvements to editing players’ own Sights, inviting friends via your favourite social media, and the ability to change distances from metric to imperial.
Sighter in San Francisco
Sighter was showcased at the AppNation Conference in San Francisco. It was a full-day presentation at our booth, we received a wealth of positive feedback, and we also initiated several promising business partnerships. The whole business trip to San Francisco was very successful. I met with many industry professionals – public details are coming soon.
Sighter is hiring
We are looking for highly talented UX/UI designer, as well as Android / iPhone developers.
Partnership with Lakelands Ireland
The first branded version of Sighter just hit the AppStore: Lakeland’s Treasures (take a look at the awesome promo video). It was built in cooperation with NimbleTours, who developed the touristic information parts of the app.
Geocaching Podcast interviews
We were invited to the Christmas edition of the UK Geocaching Podcast, you can listen the interview with me here:
Sighter will be taking part in a public Google Hangout with GeoGearheads. Tune in Thursday night to listen.
A startupos metodológiák mindig azt mondják, hogy legyen valami üzleti modellünk és legyen meghatározott tervünk, hogy amit csinálunk, hogy fog pénzt hozni a konyhára. Egy ilyen mobil alkalmazásnál mi az, amit ilyenkor meg lehet említeni? Általában reklámok, felvásárlás, vagy az app fizetős változata az, amit ilyenkor mondani szokás, de már olvastam, hogy úgy nem lehet nekiállni, hogy „majd felvásárol minket valaki”.