Fura jövőkutatók is jelen voltak
Egy érdekes finn forgatócsoport a jövőt kutatja, méghozzá ma. Ők is jelen voltak a tőkések és a startupok egyik fontos találkozóhelyén, a hagyományosan Záboji Péter szervezte First Monday eseményen a Design Terminálban.
First Monday, idén negyedszer. Helyszín újra a Design Terminál. A díszletek a szokásosak, de a körítés kifejezetten érdekes. Egy hét fős finn forgatócsoport nyüzsög a netwörkölő startupperek közt.
Budapest ugyanis egy furcsa kísérlet részévé vált tegnap este: 10 európai nagyváros közül az elsőként nálunk tudakolta Ilkka Tiainen, hogy szerintünk milyen lesz a világ 2020-ban. A fél startup ököszisztéma egy dokumentumfilm kellős közepén találta magát tegnap este.
Jópofa dolog volt.
Engem már a Design Terminal bejáratánál megtalált a rendező, és színes sálban, nagy gesztusokkal magyarázott valamit a projetkről, amelynek lényegét – bevallom – először alig értettem.
Jobban megnézve viszont nagyon érdekes projekt, lentebb a Facebook linkje is, nézzetek rá.
Akkor álljon itt az EEF-es meghívó:
“Monthly gathering of the
Budapest startup community”
Networking platform
for startup and serial entrepreneurs,
business angels and entrepreneurial investors;
building the ecosystem!
Venue: Design Terminal
Date: Monday, 8 April 6-9 PM
Attire: Smart casual
És akkor a finn projekt közleménye (sorry, de ez is angolul lesz J
Europe2020: Generation Y to show new direction to decision makers
In 2020 Europe is ruled by Generation Y. Many of them feel European decision makers have failed to create a credible vision for their future. When Mr. Ilkka Tiainen (30) realized they also refuse to see his generation as a viable resource, he decided to film ten innovative young Europeans who have succeeded in making strong contributions to their fields in the middle of euro crisis. His documentary series, Europe2020 will be presented to European decision makers whose responses will be filmed. Generation Y is about to make itself heard.
It has been shown, that Generation Y acts quickly and strongly whenever they see injustice. Ilkka Tiainen did exactly that. He took a personal financial risk and founded a company in the UK, invited additional private investors and hired a multinational, highly skilled film crew who currently is on a road trip through Europe with two cars.
The video pitch called Time to Be Inspired will be launched shortly on Kickstarter, the world’s largest crowdfunding platform. Europe2020 is one of the most costly independent documentaries ever launched from Finland. The result will be an independent video documentary series with no connections to established distribution channels.
Kickstarter funding is sought to complete the project. Crowdfunding provides people with a new way to support projects they feel have a positive impact on the community. Successfully crowdfunded projects include the Oscar-winning documentary Inocente 2013 and the feature film Iron Sky 2012.
És a magyar vonatkozások:
Hungary’s extraordinary achiever is Gergely Böszörményi Nagy
On Monday and Tuesday the film crew is in Budapest filming one of the extraordinary young achievers, Mr. Gergely Böszörményi Nagy, one of the experts behind Brand Hungary. The filming takes place all over Budapest and the crew has also received an invitation to Monday’s European Entrepreneurship Foundation’s event.
Nagy is the Head of Design Terminal, which is a prime gathering location for Budapest youth. He is turning the exhibition place into a startup hub. Nagy is also the mastermind behind Budapest Brain Bar, a ‘different’ kind of creative festival event, to be organized in October.
Nagy is also the co-founder of Perspective Institute, a Budapest based polling, analysis and consultancy firm, and has worked for various campaigns at the national and municipal level.
Nagy’s talents have also been recognized in Washington DC where he worked for national campaigns. “I think European decision makers need to hear from people like Gergely Nagy,” says the Europe2020 producer, Ilkka Tiainen.
“By presenting real examples on how to succeed in today’s Europe, we demand a dialogue between generations,” says Tiainen. “We deliver to European decision makers inspirational tools how to find a new direction for Europe.”
The documentary shows how dreams can be made true. “This documentary is our dream. We want to create a movement towards better future without any political agenda,” Tiainen says.
Lauri Pitkänen, a doctoral student at the University of Turku, will carry out scientific research on the impact the documentary has on its audience.
More information: