Startup filmbemutató a KIBU-ban
Sziasztok. Ma délelőtt, premier előtt, megnéztük az új, startupokról szóló filmet a Kitchen Budapest (KIBU) jóvoltából. A nyilvános bemutató 30-án lesz, szintén a KIBU-ban. Alább pár idézet is akad a remek kis filmből.
– A film készítőiről, Vala-ról és Sesselja-ról itt találtok infót:
– A film létrejöttéről mesél a két lány egy palo altoi filmfesztiválon, itt:
– A film trailere:
– A filmben megszólaló személyek listája:
– A Kitchen Budapest startup programjának linkje, a jelentkezés feltételei:
Tehát újra: a film európai premierje október 30-án kedden 18:30-kor lesz a Kitchen Budapestben, jegyek itt igényelhetőek: – az esemény ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött
A filmben elhangzó néhány fontosabb gondolat:
– “It’s like jumping off a cliff, and having to build your own parachute.”
– “Entrepreneurs are some of the craziest people you ever meet. People who have a dream that keeps them awake at night.”
– “Its cool to be creative, it’s cool to make something.”
– “Over the last couple of years, the cost of starting a web based startup has decreased dramatically.”
– “Anybody now with a laptop and a wifi connection can build anything.”
– “Young people are willing to put in unpaid hours, and have nothing to lose.”
– “If you are young, you have less to lose.”
– “Younger people are more idealistic, with bigger dreams, bigger visions.”
– “The culture in the bay takes you seriously, even if you are16.”
– “It was all about wanting to create something from nothing.”
– “The best entrepreneurs don’t care about the money, they try to change the world.”
– “You need to crash a company, to run one successfuly.”
– “Great idea, great team, good timing, luck.”
– “Nine times of out ten you fail, and the one time that it works, it happens in a totally unexpected way.”
– “The most interesting place to be is the place that allows you to be very singularly focused. When you’re that way, I think you’re really at your peak, and I think that’s when you’re most comfortable with yourself, I think that’s when you’re most attractive to other people, and you sort of become magnetized, you find other people who are also driven to make or think the same things, and it puts you in a really creative place where there is no fear, where people are just really happy about the things they are making together, and It’s in this place that I think you achieve the greatest things creatively.”
– “You can come up with excuses, the hardest thing is just to start.”