Így csinálják Bukarest mellett
Bukaresttől két órányira a környék első startup iskoláját szervezik meg. Részletek egy nemrég kapott (angol nyelvű) meghívóban.
Ezt a szöveget közvetlenül a szervezőtől kaptuk.
Alakul a romániai startup élet is, illetve a Kárpát Medence lehet egyszer a helyi, lokális Szilicium-Völgy lehet….
A szervezetnek vannak kapcsolatai Kolozsváron is, mint megtudtuk.
Íme a kapott angol szöveg, akit a részletek érdekelnek, olvasson tovább.
Registrations are now open for the second edition of Start Me Up, entrepreneurship school where 25 aspiring entrepreneurs will learn how to make their dreams come true. Between 21 and 27 July, Hotel Speranţa in Predeal, Romania, hosts the only entrepreneurship school in the region where participants generate ideas and develop viable business concepts under the guidance of established entrepreneurs and investors. Those that feel ready to turn their passion into their career can register online on the website of the program http://akcees.com/startmeup.
During Start Me Up the participants will learn the steps that they have to follow for starting up their own businesses. They will generate viable business ideas, will develop their proofs of concept and will pitch their projects in front of a jury. In the end, the best ideas will be rewarded.
Each day of the program is dedicated to a specific aspect of developing a business. Participants start with a process of idea generation and screening, they continue with the market strategy and financing alternatives, and they prepare a business plan and a pitch. The last day of the program is a Demo Day where competing teams get the chance to pitch their project in front of investors and to receive feedback from experts in the field.
This year’s edition will bring together an international trainer, established entrepreneurs and investors, exceptional mentors, and amazing participants. All of the above make Start Me Up the ultimate entrepreneurship experience. During the program, the attendees work with some of the most important Romanian entrepreneurs out of which one has to mention Dragoş Anastasiu (Investor, President Eurolines and TUI Travel Center), Bogdan Iordache (Co-Founder How to Web and TechHub), Irina Anghel (Secretary General South Eastern European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association), or Daniel Dragomir (Co-Founder and CEO TechHub). Daniel Ramamoorthy, Director of Phoenix investment group, startup consultant and serial entrepreneur, is the official trainer of the program.
„The first Start Me Up edition was a stunning success and we received excellent feedback from both participants and guest speakers. One year after the event, its impact is visible: even if they develop their own startups or if they gain experience and prepare to start on their own, we are proud to have an exceptional alumni community whose stories deserve to be told. We would like to replicate these results for the second edition of the program and to make Start Me Up a unique, life changing program offering the ultimate entrepreneurship experience”, declared Irina Scarlat, Co-Founder of Akcees and Project Manager Start Me Up.
Young aspiring entrepreneurs that want to learn how to start up on their own can register online on the website of the program http://akcees.com/startmeup. Early bird registrations are available before June 10. The tuition fee is 340 EUR and includes the attendance to the event and all training materials, 6 nights all-inclusive accommodation at Hotel Speranţa in Predeal, free mentorship one year after the event, membership to the Akcees community, and discounts to partner events.
Start Me Up is an event supported by Microsoft, SAP România, Okapi Studio, Skobbler, [e-spres-oh] and the logistical partners Hotel Speranţa, TechHub Bucharest, How to Web, Smart Bill, Red Bull and Brandshout.