Keresik Európa 2012 leginnovatívabb biotech kkv-ját
Az európai biotechnológia szövetség immár harmadik alkalommal hirdetik meg a kontinens leginnovatívabb biotech kis- és középvállalkozások számára kiírt versenéyt. Érdemes jelentkezni, hiszen a dicsőség mellé 10.000 EUR készpénz a győztes nyereménye.
A további részletek:
Call for Applications: most innovative European Biotech SME Award 2012
EuropaBio’s Most Innovative Biotech SME Award aims to reward European Biotech SMEs that have developed innovative solutions to technical, social and environmental problems.
is the European Association for BioIndustries and was created in 1996 to provide a voice for the biotech industry at the EU level.EuropaBio has 62 corporate and 7 associate members operating worldwide, 2 Bioregions and 19 national biotechnology associations representing some 1800 small and medium sized enterprises.
The aim of the prize is to promote and support outstanding and innovative ideas of biotechnology in small and medium enterprises across European countries.
The award will be presented at a public event in the European Parliament in Brussels. This event will be a showcase for the benefits of biotechnology for innovation in Europe. It will be hosted by Dr. Phililppe de Backer, MEP and key note addresses will be given by G. Steven Burrill, Founder and CEO of Burill & Company, as well as Vice-President Commissioner Tajani. Expected attendees include industry representatives, EU media, venture capitalists, CEOs and high ranking EU policy makers.
Go to EuropaBio Press Release: Who will win EuropaBio’s 3rd Most Innovative European SME of the year award?
Winning the Most Innovative Biotech SME
The award would entitle the winner to:
• Visibility in EU-level media
• A cash prize of €10 000
• Two years free membership of EuropaBio (worth more than €5000)
Application deadline: 30th June 2012!
To learn more about the award go on the website:
To download the application form here
Q&A about the SME Award 2012
Still having questions concerning the SME Award 2012? Please find the answers here